Winter highlights 2017

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You Are Making A BIG Difference!

Check Out Our Winter Highlights

AISH4AEPi Winter Israel Experience

the trip really put my Judaism into perspective, answering longing questions I was previously unable to find answers to…as a Jew who hasn’t found my love for Judaism and Israel, this trip really helped me find myself and my potential
– Jesse D.

What a group! This Winter’s Aish4EPi trip was simply outstanding!

We visited an ancient mikva, planted biblical fruit trees, hiked the desert, packed food for needy families, got uplifted on Shabbas in Tzfat and Jerusalem, trained with IDF counterterrorism commandos, toured Sderot, Hebron, and other significant cities, ate really well, and had tons of fun along the way!!

Perhaps the greatest highlight came when we were in Hebron.

For years our programs have helped with the restoration of a synagogue that was conquered and used as a Crusader era church for 700 years followed by about 200 years of usage by the local Arabs as a trash heap.

The restoration has proceeded, rock by rock, for the past few years.

However, on this trip, for the first time in over 900 years we held a prayer service with the reading of the Torah!

The whole trip is once in a lifetime experience, but this was so unique and special.

The guys loved it!

Summing up the experience at the end of the program the group broke out into a chant of “Two More Weeks, Two More Weeks!”

AEPi brothers know that our trip is the best for them to get educated and inspired, to find their inner Jewish leader, and to learn to stand up for Israel on campus.

What a great trip!

Hasbara Fellowships

“The trip made me understand the importance of being a leader in the Jewish Community…because of this experience I am inspired to actively advocate for the State of Israel and stand up for world Jewry!””
– Ethan H.

Two groups of amazing budding Israel activists got high level training learning the skills to be effective on campus campaigning for Israel!

Our students joined with over 50 others from across the country to explore, get educated, and be inspired!

Hasbara Fellowships is recognized as the leading Israel Advocacy training program for students.

Over the years over 150 of our students have participated.

They return passionate defenders of the Jewish people and leaders in every aspect of campus life.

We are so proud of them and can not wait to see what the new students bring back this coming semester!

Our Students in Israel

One of the best parts about going to Israel every 6 months or so is seeing my old students doing great things in the Holy Land.

Inevitably, I also run into current students on different programs furthering their education and having great experiences.

The above pictures are some of our great students from past years who I had the pleasure to run into in Israel.

Some are joining the IDF, others are learning about our heritage, some are working and living in ancient Jewish communities and strengthening the presence of Jews in our Homeland, others are touring around for a week or two to find new experiences and perspectives to bring back home – all of them make us proud in numerous ways!

It is my deepest pleasure to be a part of their journeys…thank you!


With great thanks to all of you who do so much to support our programs !
Have a Good Shabbas!!


Truly, your support makes it all happen! Please click here to start 2018 with a gift to Aish Campus Boston! Thank you!

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